Morgan Sindall picks up £32m waste recycling job

Morgan Sindall has been awarded a £32m job to develop a household waste recycling centre in Walsall.

The contractor will build the new centre on a six-hectare site in the West Midlands town. The site will also include a waste transfer centre. The entire site will have a capacity of 165,000 tonnes per annum (TPA), future proofing “against the potential growth in waste arisings”.

The recycling centre will have a capacity of 40,000 TPA across 19 bays, each of which will have two skips. The transfer centre will have capacity for 125,000 TPA of municipal waste and recycled material.

Morgan Sindall will also develop weighbridges, service yards, ventilation systems, offices, and welfare facilities there. The site will also include a reuse shop.

The contractor scooped the job as part of the Pagabo Major Works Framework.

Construction will take 64 weeks in total.

Morgan Sindall said it will save 354 tonnes of carbon in the project construction, although it has not specified were the carbon savings will come from.

Morgan Sindall Construction area director for the Midlands, Richard Fielding, said: “Waste management facilities are a crucial part of our everyday infrastructure, and through this partnership with Walsall Council and Pagabo we’re delivering high-quality, sustainable infrastructure to meet the needs of the local community.

“Our team’s intelligent solutions approach has seen the project save over 350 tonnes of carbon, so we’re not only delivering sustainable infrastructure, but delivering it in the most environmentally friendly way possible.”

Pagabo framework manager Elliott Talbot said: “This contract award is a great step forward for Walsall Council, with the new facility set to make a difference to people across the area with access to better waste and recycling facilities – along with the reuse shop further increasing the social value from the project for the community.”

The job is the latest in a number of project developments in the West Midlands for Morgan Sindall.

Earlier this week, the firm’s development arm Muse got clearance to regenerate Wolverhampton city centre. The project, which Muse is working on with Homes England and Legal & General, is intended to transform a 12-acre area in the middle of the city, delivering between 800 and 1,000 new homes plus public realm, leisure and retail facilities.

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